Contact the office about fleet Krown application to save money on your company vehicles.

Rust Protection & Lubricants
Formerly T40, Krown Rust Protection & Lubricant is Canada’s #1 Rust Protection in a can. To protect metal from rust, a barrier must be created and maintained between the metal and the surrounding elements, especially moisture. This product is designed to create a barrier that can’t be broken, chipped or cracked. By staying fluid, our petroleum-based rust protection heals back over after any abrasions providing lasting protection, even in extreme conditions. Featuring inverta-spray technology, this Rust Protection and Lubricant lets you apply our industry-leading rust protection to vehicles, machinery, electrical connections and even hard to reach areas around the home and worksite.

Fast Acting Penetrant
Every workshop needs a safe, fast and effective penetrating oil. The Krown Penetrant meets the needs of the consumer while meeting the requirements of our environment. The Krown Penetrant is solvent free making it extremely safe both for the user and the environment without giving an inch when it comes to performance.
Krown’s revolutionary fast-acting hydro carbon formula allows this oil-based product to penetrate and release any seized, rusted or frozen part. Because there is no evaporation, the Krown penetrant will also leave behind a protective coating making it very useful in any application.

Salt Eliminator

Multi-Purpose Lubricant & Penetrant
Our most versatile product, Multi-Purpose Lubricant & Penetrant combines some penetrating ability with an excellent lubricant/rust inhibitor. This multi-purpose lubricant and penetrant is perfect for those who only want one product on their shelf.

Cleaning Products

Treatment Application

How does Krown work?